
iLEAD Writing Workshop in Castaic

Writing is one the most basic forms of human communication, and writing well is essential for success in college and beyond. Most businesses take writing into consideration when hiring employees, and yet six out of 10 high school learners lack the basic reading and writing skills needed for college level work. Additionally, 26 percent of college graduates are not only poor writers but also lack proper communication skills across the board.

Why are so many people so bad at writing? Where does this problem start, and can it be fixed? And finally, how can writing well benefit homeschoolers of all ages, the future employees and leaders of America?

Award-winning author and college professor Laurisa Reyes will answer these questions in an engaging workshop for parents and kids. She will also have copies of her books, “Teaching Kids to Write Well: Six Secrets Every Grown-up Should Know” and “The Kids’ Guide to Writing Fiction” on hand to purchase.

Find out more about Ms. Reyes here .

This amazing workshop will be held on Tuesday, April 18, at 6:30 p.m. at The Old Road Exploration Learning Center located at 29435 The Old Road, Castaic, CA 91354. Interested in attending? Sign up here !


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