Coffee Connections


Homeschool parents are devoted to the academic and social needs of their children. But how often are they able to connect with fellow homeschool parents who understand the joys and challenges of this alternative learning path?

In an effort to encourage these connections, some of our educational facilitators have voluntarily come together and created spaces for our Exploration parents to meet up! While these gatherings will be lots of fun for the kids, the primary purpose is for parents to connect with one another. The goal is to provide a fun, safe, and comfortable environment for parents to get to know others in their local homeschool community!

ELL Coffee Hour

ELL Coffee Hour Join our EL Coordinator and parents of Exploration EL learners on November 18th at 9 am to ask questions, offer advice, and get support all while building…

Posted in: Coffee Connections, Community Events, Monday Message,
Coffee Connection in Valencia

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, learners participated in a “Cupid’s Challenge” STEM activity at our coffee connection in Valencia. Learners were given 10 plastic cups that each had a…

Posted in: Coffee Connections, Monday Message,
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