Webinars and Workshops

iLEAD Exploration values lifelong learning and is excited to keep families informed on unique educational opportunities. Through a variety of webinars and workshops, we provide continuing education for our families throughout the school year.


Over the course of the school year, Exploration will host a variety of webinars on topics such as math, language arts, writing, concurrent enrollment, social-emotional learning, high school planning, and college planning. Please let your educational facilitator know if there are webinar topics you would love to explore this year.


Workshops are hosted by facilitators or the iLEAD OC Studio and are announced via the events calendar and Monday Message.

Other iLEAD Opportunities

Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP)
iLEAD learners have the unique opportunity to participate in the Student Spaceflight Experiments Program (SSEP). We are thrilled to be able to partner with iLEAD brick and mortar schools to offer this engaging program to interested Exploration learners. In past years, learners have explored microgravity (what astronauts experience on ISS), experimental design, and collaboratively worked in small groups to develop and propose an experiment to be conducted in space. This challenging process invited our learners into the world of “real” microgravity experimenters, who also use this same process to get “science time” on ISS with the goal of understanding the impact of microgravity (versus gravity) on their experiment.

The Student Spaceflight Experiment Program nurtures ownership in learning, critical thinking, problem solving, navigation of an interdisciplinary landscape, and communication skills – all reflective of the Next Generation Science Standards, the skills needed by professional scientists and engineers, and the skills desired by 21st century employers. To learn more about the participation of iLEAD learners in this unique opportunity, visit here. iLEAD learners were excited to have their experiment launch into space! Be on the lookout for how your learner might participate in the upcoming school year!

Love and Logic
Love and Logic is dedicated to making parenting and teaching fun and rewarding, instead of stressful and chaotic. By using practical tools and techniques, adults achieve respectful, healthy relationships with their children. This is especially beneficial for homeschooling parents who could use some extra tools to work with their children daily in the homeschool environment. For more information about why iLEAD is passionate about socio-emotional development, visit here.

Project Based Learning (PBL)
Project-based learning enables learners to tackle deeply engaging projects about real-world issues that require critical thought, inquiry, and synthesis. The PBL model requires learners to research, collaborate, and carefully weigh information and evidence in a nuanced problem-solving environment. It teaches learners to accept feedback, create solutions, and present their findings in a high-performance context – preparing them for the rigors of the 21st century economy and the challenges of a global world. It is, in a word, transformative. We are excited to offer optional support in how PBL can be used to enhance your homeschool day!

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