Kelly Clark

Grades 3-8 social studies OC Studio Facilitator

Program: Classic Home Study, iLEAD OC (Costa Mesa)
Function: Educational Facilitator

About Kelly

Kelly Clark is a homeschool mom of four kids. She has homeschooled her eldest since he was in pre-k, and he is now in high school. While not every moment has been easy, she has thoroughly loved the experience and opportunity. She is thankful to have the ability and freedom to home educate, and loves that it gives her time to spend working with her children and guiding their education in styles and environments that suit them. Kelly received her teaching credential from Cal State Fullerton and then taught in the Fullerton School District. After leaving the public sector to homeschool her own children, Kelly spent many years tutoring in home school programs.

Kelly is so thankful to have the chance to combine her love of homeschooling with serving families through iLEAD. She loves that everyone is on their own unique journey, and that she can partner with others to help them along the way. In her “spare” time, she loves dabbling in photography and reading.

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