Cindy Freeman

Vendor Support

Function: Vendor Relations

Favorite Quote

"I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou

About Cindy

Cindy has been involved in education for a few decades, beginning as a volunteer in classrooms when her children were young, to working in the attendance/enrollment office in a public middle school. She started working remotely in the vendor department within the charter school system and found her true fit. She loves working with families, learners and vendors to achieve a positive outcome in all situations.

Cindy married her high school sweetheart and they just celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary! She is mom to four kids who are all married, and Nonni to 10 grandchildren, all living locally in southern California. She adores spending time with them and having them at her home for family nights! She is a techie at heart and if it’s raining, you will find her dancing in it!

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