Monday message 04.29.2020



Learner Spotlight: Ace Maestas

Ace Maestas has been homeschooling for two years. The flexibility that is offered through iLEAD Exploration to focus on strengths, work on weaknesses, and cultivate social intelligence has been the…

Social Intelligence

School-Wide Learner Outcome: Social Intelligence

Social intelligence is an important life skill that helps to build healthy relationships. Social intelligence is one’s ability to interact well with others. Often called people skills or tact, it…

Wrie at home

Write at Home: Developing Teen Writers Webinar

We hope you enjoyed the webinar last week with Write At Home. In an effort to support our families, Write At Home is excited to host two more webinars to…


Together Tuesdays

That’s right, it’s Together Tuesday! We love seeing the positive images submitted throughout iLEAD nation every week — joyful reminders that we are all in this together. Thank you to everyone who…


Give It Stars!

Calling all iLEAD readers! What books have you been enjoying lately? A great way to reflect on a book is to create a book review. Simply download one of the…

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