Jessica Sanclemente

Educational Facilitator

Program: Classic Home Study
Function: Educational Facilitator

Favorite Quote

“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.” ~ William Arthur Ward

About Jessica

Jessica earned a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts as well as a multiple subject teaching credential from California State University, Northridge. She taught fourth grade for the Los Angeles Unified School District. She is fluent in both English and Spanish.
Prior to receiving her credentials, Jessica worked in a homeschool co-op setting for 10 years and helped develop curriculum for a homeschool charter. Jessica believes that a parent is their child’s greatest advocate and their life long teacher. She feels privileged to be able to collaborate with families, help them foster inquiry, and create an individualized learning path that best fits their child.
Jessica loves spending time with her husband, teenage daughter, and their four dogs. She enjoys road trips, taking care of the environment, photography, music, and trying delicious food from around the world!

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