
Interview with English Instructor Lauren Vargas


By Lara Durrell

This week, I had the honor of interviewing the amazingly talented Lauren Vargas, founder of Lo.Co. Tutoring based in south Orange County. Lauren has been guiding learners through their academic writing endeavors since 2011, and her customized approach is making a big difference in their lives!

When you were growing up, what were your favorite subjects in school?
Oddly enough, my favorite subjects growing up included math and science, the reason partly being that my dad was an elementary school teacher for those subjects. I appreciated that the answers were straightforward, so homework for those classes always took me the shortest amount of time.

How did you develop your love for English? What aspects do you really enjoy?
As my worldview increased in high school due to my participation in Model United Nations and its required political speech-writing, so too did my self awareness and my desire to seek unanswerable questions grow. My sophomore year English teacher, a long-haired, extravagant coat-wearing man, piqued my passion for writing when he announced rather loudly to the class on our very first day that we learners were “monkeys trapped in cages” and the only way out was to vigorously write our souls’ truths. We started with poetry, and then my love of writing grew to encompass persuasive essays and literary critiques. I love the idea that both poetry and critical essay-writing make room for writers to express refreshing perspectives on an unlimited number of topics.

How important is reading to writing?
The ability to dissect the “nuts and bolts” in professional writing, as my favorite poetry professor would say, grants writers the tools necessary to effectively compose their own creative and argumentative writing. Reading analytically presents aspiring writers with tremendous templates onto which they can transplant their own unique ideas.

What does a typical tutoring session look like?
Tutoring lessons typically include an analytical discussion about a novel’s theme or current event, along with revision/editing practice and a writing-homework review. My favorite lessons start with a writing-themed game or activity to stimulate the writer’s critical mind! Sitting in on a session, parents will hear me eagerly asking “why?” and “how?” — such that my learners are continuously being challenged to think as deeply as humanly possible, and then some!

What three words best describe how your learners feel about your classes?
Invigorating, challenging, fruitful.

Do you create your own customized lesson plans for parents to follow at home?
Though I’ve crafted many a syllabi, I haven’t yet attempted to create lesson plans for learners to follow independently. This is because a learner’s personal passions, reading interests, and current writing ability all drive the customized curriculum. Based on how quickly a learner can master the grammar, critical thinking, analytical writing, and revision skills, I will adjust the curriculum as needed. In this way, a fixed curriculum is simply too restrictive.

How might a family contact you to learn more about your offerings?
Parents and/or their learners who are interested either in one-on-one lessons or in writing classes, are welcome to contact me by email. You’ll receive a reply within 48 hours, which will contain my welcome email and all the necessary attachments to get started!



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