
Fall Field Trip Announcement

Dear Families,

We are thrilled to announce some exciting fall field trips and service projects we have planned for your learners! In today’s Monday Message, we are announcing field trips and service projects happening in September and October. These field trips will be released 9 a.m. Tuesday, September 6 via iLEAD Exploration’s Facebook page and email . Each of these field trips/service projects have limited space, so if you are interested in signing up for one, please check your email right at 9 a.m. on September 6 and click the link to sign up immediately.

Roundhouse Aquarium Tour and Service Project
Date: Thursday, September 15
Time: 10 a.m.-noon
Cost: $5/ticket

Join us for an ocean discovery hour at the Roundhouse Aquarium! The one-hour program includes time to explore the aquarium and touch tanks, information about how we can reduce, reuse and recycle to keep our oceans clean, an interactive food chain demonstration, and live animal demonstrations. Following the program, we’ll have an optional beach cleanup service project (the Roundhouse Aquarium will provide all supplies). Pack a lunch for a beach picnic afterwards!

Questions? Contact Maggie Pulley at maggie.pulley@ileadexploration.org or Gillian Bayer at gillian.bayer@ileadexploration.org

Heal the Bay Coastal Cleanup Service Project
Date: Saturday, September 17
Time: 9 a.m. to noon
Cost: Free

On September 17, iLEAD is teaming up with Heal the Bay for their annual Coastal Cleanup Day at Lake Balboa in Encino from 9 a.m. to noon. Sign up here and bring the whole family to clean our beautiful public space. iLEAD families will wear something blue so we can find each other!

Questions? Contact Erin Munavu at erin.munavu@ileadexploration.org

Child Creativity Lab Field Trip for Grades K-5
Date: Wednesday, September 21
Time: 10:00 a.m.-noon
Cost: $9 per child paid at the door

For the first hour, learners will participate in the Floating Boat Collaborative STEM Challenge. Learners will work together to design and create a floating boat out of reclaimed and reusable materials that could functionally float in water for at least 10 seconds while holding the weight of 25 pennies. The learners will have open studio time during the second hour to make and create.

Questions? Contact Kendra Cosgrove at kendra.cosgrove@ileadexploration.org

OC Foodbank Service Project
Date: Wednesday, September 28
Time: 10 a.m.
Cost: Free

On a daily basis, volunteers work side-by-side to the beat of music packing food boxes that are distributed to hungry people in Orange County and surrounding areas. Individuals, families, and groups of 80 can be accommodated. Group volunteer events typically begin with a brief tour of the Food Bank and presentation describing poverty and hunger in Orange County.
Questions? Contact Tricia Lorenzen at tricia.lorenzen@ileadexploration.org

Child Creativity Lab Field Trip for Grades 6-12
Date: Wednesday, October 5
Time: 10 a.m.-noon
Cost: $9 per child paid at the door

Learners will participate in the Zip Line Collaborative STEM Challenge for the first hour. They will be challenged to design and create a carrier all out of reclaimed, reusable materials that could transport a tennis ball from one end of the zip line to the other without the ball falling out. The learners will have open studio time during the second hour to make and create.

Questions? Contact Kendra Cosgrove at kendra.cosgrove@ileadexploration.org

Amy’s Farm
Date: Thursday, October 6
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Cost: $10/learner (includes a pumpkin), $8/adult, ages 0-1 are free

Amy’s Farm is a fun and unique experience for all ages! Come enjoy the sights, sounds, smells, and touch of the farm in a complete sensory experience! The tour will include a garden walk, harvesting of fresh herbs, feeding the animals, visiting the petting zoo, milking a cow and grooming a horse. After the tour, children are welcome to visit the pumpkin patch to select the perfect pumpkin for them to take home! Picnic tables will be available for a picnic lunch brought from home after the tour.

Questions? Contact Holly Havenhill at holly.havenhill@ileadexploration.org.

Tanaka Farm
Date: Friday, October 7
Time: 10:15 a.m.
Cost: $14/learner, $7/adult not picking pumpkin

Come join us for a morning on the farm! We will begin our time with a wagon ride around the farm learning about all that takes place on Tanaka Farm. After our ride, we will head on over to the petting zoo. Learners will also enjoy adventuring through a corn maze. Our time will end with picking veggies right out of the soil as well as choosing the perfect pumpkin! Lunch tables are available after our tour if you choose to bring a picnic lunch.

Questions? Contact Julie Cumming at julie.cumming@ileadexploration.org

In-N-Out Tour in Seal Beach at 12365 Seal Beach Blvd, Seal Beach 90740
Date: Wednesday, October 19
Time: 8:50 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Cost: Free

Have you ever wanted to know more about where In-N-Out gets their ingredients or how they make their fries so fresh and delicious? Join us for a fun opportunity to tour In-N-Out!! The tour lasts 45 minutes to 1 hour. You will enjoy hearing the history of the company while touring the kitchen. After the tour, each child will receive a complimentary meal. Space is limited to 23 children and four adults, so sign up quickly if you are interested. Children must be in grades 1-8 to participate. All extra adults or younger siblings can wait in the restaurant or in the outside seating area.

Questions? Contact Allison Smith at allison.smith@ileadexploration.org

Service Project – Letters to Active Military or Veterans in Orange County
Date: Wednesday, October 19
Time: 10:30 a.m.
Cost: Free

Come join us at Baker Ranch Community Park where we will spend time writing notes and drawing pictures showing our gratitude and appreciation for those who serve or have served in the military. Letters/pictures will be delivered for Veterans Day. Afterward, we will enjoy time together at this fun park. Bring a picnic lunch, as well as markers/crayons and paper to make as many cards/pictures as you’d like.

Questions? Contact Julie Cumming at julie.cumming@ileadexploration.org

Service Project at Park West Care and Rehabilitation Center in Santa Ana
(All Ages)
Date: Wednesday, October 26
Time: 10 a.m.
Cost: Free

Please join us to brighten the day for residents at Park West Care and Rehabilitation Center located in Santa Ana. Have your child/children wear their Halloween costumes (if they have one). We will meet out front of the facility at 10 a.m. and walk in together as a group at 10:05 a.m. The first part of our visit will be in the community room. Those residents who are able will be wheeled in and we will conduct a short activity/performance for them. Learners who would like to play a piece on the piano, recite a poem, sing a song, or anything else are more than welcome.

Please contact kendra.cosgrove@ileadexploration.org if you would like to share a talent. The second part of our visit will consist of a parade down the hallways and through the rooms for those residents who are in bed. The residents love seeing the children and their costumes. Please avoid wearing masks, scary costumes, and realistic accessories (fangs, blood, etc.). This will be a special event for the residents and a wonderful way for your children to show love and serve those who may be going through a difficult and lonely time.

Questions? Contact Kendra Cosgrove at kendra.cosgrove@ileadexploration.org


Image of rocket launching in space and the words "Astrocamp Idyllwild" written on a yellow banner on top of the rocket.


Learners in grades 7-9 are invited to participate in our overnight Astro Camp experience. Tickets will be released December 1 and learners’ funds must be used. See flyer for details:

Image of rocket launching in space and the words "Astrocamp Idyllwild" written on a yellow banner on top of the rocket.


Astrocamp is an exciting three-day and two-night program designed for learners in grades 7-9. This outdoor science camp provides: Astronomy and physical science labs Field exercises Team-building activities led by…

Field Studies 1 (1) (4)

Field Studies and Events

We have many fun upcoming field studies opportunities. You can view them all and register through the hub. Site Word Bingo K- 1, Nov 8 Legacy of Military Veterans, Nov…

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