Educational Resources

Our News & Events

Summative ELPAC

Summative ELPAC

Our testing window for the Summative ELPAC is open and our assessments are underway for all our English Language Learners this year through online and remote platforms. Thank you to…

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Some Awesome EL Resources

BrainPOP EL BrainPOP is a free subscription Exploration offers its English language learners. It is a comprehensive English language learning program for all grade levels. Please reach out to your…

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Preparing Learners for the Future

The article “Using Motivation Sources to Guide Students to Their Ideal Careers” reminds educators (homeschooling families!) that we are preparing learners for their future, a future we can’t really imagine,…

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Virtual Meet and Greet iLEAD Exploration

Scoir and YouScience

Scoir is an important communication hub for our high school learners provided at no cost. This amazing resource gives access to a college search tool, interactive tours of college campuses, student…

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College Fair

Searching for College in a Virtual World

Traditionally the college search centers around tours and visits. Visits help students understand the different college types: large vs small, universities vs. colleges, commuter vs. on campus. They also help students build application lists and…

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Virtual Science Fair 2021

We invited learners in grades TK-12 to participate in our virtual science fair, and here is the link to all the wonderful submissions. Prepare to be amazed, inspired, and educated…

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CAASPP Testing

Spring CAASPP Testing – Be Proactive!

Parents of iLEAD learners in grades 3-8 and 11, as well as high schoolers who are taking the science test, received a letter last week with details about preparing for…

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Black History Month

Celebrating Black History Month

Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially…

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Test Prep

Spring CAASPP Testing

Spring state testing is right around the corner for many iLEAD learners who will be participating in the California Assessment of Student Progress. CAASPP includes the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments (SBAC) in English language arts/literacy…

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Learner University

Learner University is excited to share their new and updated schedule for the spring semester. They are offering small group lessons to learners struggling in language arts and math. They…

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Learner University

Learner University is excited to share their new and updated schedule for the spring semester. They are offering small group lessons to our learners struggling in language arts and math….

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Fall Webinars

Spring Webinars

We are excited to share our upcoming webinars for 2021. On February 10 at 12 pm, our Educator University team will be spotlighting science kits. Please register here to learn…

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Fall Webinars

Spring Webinars

We are excited to share our upcoming webinars for 2021. On February 10 at 12 p.m., our Educator University team will be spotlighting science kits. Please register here to learn…

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HS Dec5

Summer Pre-College Programs

Summer programs offer learners the opportunity to experience campus life while engaged in academic or extracurricular activities. Many applications are available now, so don’t wait to check deadlines and begin…

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HS Dec4

Navigating the Challenges of Online Learning

In these unprecedented times, we have all seen drastic changes in the ways in which we live our daily lives. This especially applies to how learners have been accessing their…

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Barnabus Robotics final

Barnabas Robotics Robot Innovations

Join Barnabas Robotics and explore the awesome intersection of engineering, art and creativity while building a one-of-a-kind robot! In this workshop, learners will discover how real-world engineers use electricity, mechanical…

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Kindness Rocks

Kindness Rocks!

Join Exploration families and spread a little kindness, good will, and gratitude around our communities. Please take a look at the flier below for more details on how to register.

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SLO: Self-Control

This month, iLEAD is focusing on the monthly Schoolwide Learner Outcome (SLO) of self-control. Are you able to control your emotions and impulses in order to achieve a greater goal?…

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College is expensive, so it is worth taking the time to look for scholarship opportunities. While the best aid comes from the college you attend, a second option is looking…

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High School Clubs iLEAD Exploration

High School Clubs

As the semester is coming to an end, iLEAD’s Associated Student Body (ASB) would like to make a very important announcement about next semester. For the first time in school history,…

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ELPAC Summative Test

ELPAC Summative Test

Beginning in February, English language learners will take the summative ELPAC. The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is California’s assessment system that is used to determine the English…

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Family Activities to Support Listening

Telephone: This is a classic game for working on listening. Start with one sentence, and whisper it to the person next to you. That person will whisper what they heard to…

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TK-1 Read Aloud

Family Activities to Support Reading

Tall Tales: The Game of Infinite Storytelling: There are several ways to play this storytelling game. One is the tell-a-group-story method, where players randomly select a few of the playing pieces…

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Family Activities to Support Writing

Storytelling: In this game, you need only paper and pencils so that everyone can write a story together. On a board, write the first sentence of the tale. Then, over the…

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