EL Newsletter

Our News & Events

ELAC Meetings iLEAD Exploration

ELAC Meetings: English Language Advisory Committee

Please plan to join us for our upcoming English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) meetings! The ELAC is a school-level committee of parents, staff, and community members designated to advise school…

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Summative ELPAC Assessment

Summative ELPAC Assessment

Beginning in February, English Language Learners will take the summative ELPAC. The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is California’s assessment system that is used to determine the English…

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Family Games to Support Learning

Family Games to Support Learning

As the holiday season is approaching, below are some board games that are not only great for family bonding, but will also boost your child’s language skills. The ideas below…

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Winter Activity Ideas

Winter Activity Ideas

The ideas below are adapted from the article 8 Must-Try Winter Homeschool Ideas. Teach about winter weather. Take time to learn about the different types of snow and ice weather,…

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EL Team

Meet Our EL Team

  Name/Role: Stephanie Casolara, EL Coordinator and EF Location: Yucca Valley, CA Family: I have two boys, ages 6 and 9 Interests or Hobbies: I love to do family activities,…

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Rafa'ella Erlinda Ruelas, De La Cruz-Howard

Learner Spotlight: Rafa’ella Erlinda Ruelas, De La Cruz-Howard

Name: My name is Rafa’ella Erlinda Ruelas, De La Cruz-Howard What languages do you speak? The language that I speak fluently is English. Spanish was my first language but I…

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Weekly ELD Sessions

Weekly ELD Sessions

The EL team will be offering a weekly synchronous instruction session every Tuesday! Have your learner join us every week for ELD, instruction for English Language Development. We will be…

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BrainPop ELL

BrainPop ELL

BrainPop is a complimentary subscription your EF has shared with you. Our EL learners have also been given access to an additional piece – BrainPop ELL. Have your learner add…

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Learning Resources iLEAD Exploration


There are four domains of English Language Development: speaking, reading, listening and writing. There are many strategies and activities that can be implemented at home to have learners practice their…

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Fabulous Fall Activities for Young Learners

Fabulous Fall Activities for Young Learners

Family Tree This is a great way to either teach or review family vocabulary. Have your learner draw a tree trunk with bare branches or draw your own template to…

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Fabulous Fall Activities for Older Learners

Fabulous Fall Activities for Older Learners

FALL PREPARATIONS AND RESOLUTIONS Discuss all of the things teachers and learners did to prepare for the return to classes. Remind your learner that just as they took the time…

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Summer Activities iLEAD Exploration

25 Activities to Keep Kids’ Brains Active in Summer

Here are some awesome summer activities and ideas that will keep your kids engaged this summer. Best of all, they are all really fun! Pick one that looks like a…

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Test Prep

ELPAC Testing

We are so proud of all our learners who completed the ELPAC Assessment! Our EL learners worked hard and did their best on all domains: speaking, reading, listening, and writing….

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Science Kits

6 Benefits of Raising Bilingual Children

INCREASED COGNITIVE ABILITY – In a Time article, Jeffery Kluger says that babies are born with the inherent ability to speak and understand the world’s 6,800 languages. They continue to easily…

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Summer Activities iLEAD Exploration

25 Activities to Keep Kids’ Brains Active in Summer

Here are some awesome summer activities and ideas that will keep your kids engaged this summer. Best of all, they are all really fun! Pick one that looks like a…

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Six Awesome Jobs That Require a Second Language

There’s an increasing demand for bilingual workers. New American Economy reports that the demand for bilingual workers more than doubled between 2010 and 2015. That’s a lot of new jobs…

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Summative ELPAC

Summative ELPAC

Our testing window for the Summative ELPAC is open and our assessments are underway for all our English Language Learners this year through online and remote platforms. Thank you to…

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Some Awesome EL Resources

BrainPOP EL BrainPOP is a free subscription Exploration offers its English language learners. It is a comprehensive English language learning program for all grade levels. Please reach out to your…

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Preparing Learners for the Future

The article “Using Motivation Sources to Guide Students to Their Ideal Careers” reminds educators (homeschooling families!) that we are preparing learners for their future, a future we can’t really imagine,…

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Learner Spotlight: Juan Munoz “Jr.”

What is your favorite saying in your native language? My favorite saying is “Que si” because it’s very funny when I say it to my dad when I play around….

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Learner Spotlight

Learner Spotlight – Mya Felix

Mya is a first grade learner who started homeschooling in March of last year. She likes homeschooling because she is able to do her school work in her pajamas. She…

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ELPAC Summative Test

ELPAC Summative Test

Beginning in February, English language learners will take the summative ELPAC. The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is California’s assessment system that is used to determine the English…

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Family Activities to Support Listening

Telephone: This is a classic game for working on listening. Start with one sentence, and whisper it to the person next to you. That person will whisper what they heard to…

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TK-1 Read Aloud

Family Activities to Support Reading

Tall Tales: The Game of Infinite Storytelling: There are several ways to play this storytelling game. One is the tell-a-group-story method, where players randomly select a few of the playing pieces…

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