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The Science of Circus Arts Virtual Tutorial (Grades 2-6)

The Circus Arts are filled with relationships between art and science. Most times you are aware of the visual excitement while watching your favorite act, but do you know the…

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Fall Webinars

Spring Webinars

We are excited to share our upcoming webinars for 2021. On February 10 at 12 p.m., our Educator University team will be spotlighting science kits. Please register here to learn…

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Virtual Park Tour

February Field Studies

Discover what life was like living at a California Frontier Army Post in the 1850s! Take a live, virtual, docent-led tour through Army Post Fort Tejon, where original and reconstructed…

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Learner Spotlight: Faye Battat

Thank goodness for the endless supply of ebooks at Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL)! iLEAD Exploration fourth grade learner Faye Battat is an insatiably voracious reader and LAPL helps keep…

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Around the World at the OC Learning Studio

The OC Studio

Registration is still open for quarter three virtual classes through the OC Studio. Please take a look at the flier below for more information on classes beginning on February 9.

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Where Am I

Virtual Events

Attention, iLEAD learners! There are a few events taking place in February that we hope you will be able to attend: TK- 1 Read Aloud: If you are in TK-1,…

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Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Optimism

This month’s schoolwide learner outcome (SLO) is optimism. Optimism, according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary is, “an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon actions and events or to…

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Learner Spotlight: Adalynn Stokes

Nine-year-old Adalynn has been enjoying her homeschool journey through iLEAD Exploration. Although this year looks a little different than anticipated, she is adjusting well and even helping her little brother,…

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Virtual Park Tour

February Field Studies

Discover what life was like living at a California Frontier Army Post in the 1850s! Take a live, virtual, docent-led tour through Army Post Fort Tejon, where original and reconstructed…

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Book Club

February and March Book Clubs

If you are in 4th-6th grade, you won’t want to miss our next book club happening in February. For our learners in grades 6-8, please take a look at the…

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iLEAD Exploration celebrates National School Choice Week January 24-30, 2021

National School Choice Week

As the world’s largest celebration of opportunity in K-12 education, National School Choice Week is a time to celebrate the fact that we have a choice where our children go…

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Learner Spotlight: Clive and Lucia Gompert

For the Gompert family, homeschooling has always been the plan. Many things about it appeal to them: the flexibility it gives them, the ability to change methods and curriculum to…

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Barnabus Robotics final

Barnabas Robotics Robot Innovations

Join Barnabas Robotics and explore the awesome intersection of engineering, art and creativity while building a one-of-a-kind robot! In this workshop, learners will discover how real-world engineers use electricity, mechanical…

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Kindness Rocks

Kindness Rocks!

Join Exploration families and spread a little kindness, good will, and gratitude around our communities. Please take a look at the flier below for more details on how to register.

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Learner Spotlight: Christina Virchis

Three years ago, iLEAD Exploration learner Christina Virchis, 13, was uncertain and a little anxious about her future. The private school she had been attending was closing and she didn’t…

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SLO: Self-Control

This month, iLEAD is focusing on the monthly Schoolwide Learner Outcome (SLO) of self-control. Are you able to control your emotions and impulses in order to achieve a greater goal?…

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The Virtual Science Fair – Final Steps!

You are now ready for the final steps of the scientific method which is to collect data and analyze. Let’s take a minute to review the steps that you have…

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Show and Tell

Virtual Show-and-Tell

Please join us for a fun show-and-tell opportunity for TK through 3rd grade learners on January 19 at 11 a.m.! Register here to join us.

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Learner Spotlight: Everly Benning

iLEAD Exploration learner Everly Benning started homeschooling last year in the extended-TK program. What drew her family to homeschooling was the time her mom got to spend with her. Everly’s…

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