
7 Habits – Synergize

Synergize is the habit of creative cooperation in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. A highly valued skill is cooperation, or the ability to work with a variety of people to achieve new and better solutions. Synergy encourages innovation and invention. In other words, together we can find a better way.

This week, try presenting a project or a problem and encourage your family to work together to accomplish the task. Discuss how each person’s ideas should be valued and considered.


child typing on laptop

Educational Resources: Typing Club

Typing is a necessary skill that can be overlooked. As technology becomes more and more prevalent in the learning environment, it is important to develop typing skills. Learning the keyboard…

What's your story?

Writing a Personal Narrative Week 2- Part B

We hope that you had fun thinking about an event and getting organized last week. This week we will begin the drafting process using our thinking map. Please take a…

Gratitude Prompt

SLO of the Month

Each month, we will focus on one Schoolwide Learner Outcome, or SLOgan of the month, which will help everyone in iLEAD work on an area for growth and success together!…

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