
ELPAC Testing

Test Prep

We are so proud of all our learners who completed the ELPAC Assessment! Our EL learners worked hard and did their best on all domains: speaking, reading, listening, and writing. Results will likely come in August and will be sent to families as soon as they are received.


Learner Spotlight

Samuel Medina-Negrete, questions answered by mom and the learner. What languages do you speak? English and Spanish What is the best part about knowing more than one language? It…

sign that reads "let's learn English"

ELD Classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Thank you for having your child(ren) participate in our ELD classes on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:30! Tuesdays are for all grades TK-12th, and Thursday are for grades TK-5th. …

The word "committee" spelled in colored block letters


We hope you join us for our upcoming English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) meetings! The ELAC is a school-level committee of parents, staff, and community members designated to advise school…

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