Desiree Howden

Educational Facilitator

Program: Classic Home Study
Function: Educational Facilitator

About Desiree

Desiree graduated from Cal State Fullerton with a bachelor’s degree in liberal studies. She earned a multiple subject clear teaching credential and a master’s degree cross-cultural teaching from National University. She was an elementary school teacher for 15 years, teaching first and fifth grade before becoming an educational facilitator. Desiree has homeschooled her own children for the past ten years and they love nature, going on hikes, being outside and finding fun field trips!

Desiree loves to travel anywhere! She has traveled to England, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, Spain, Singapore, Malaysia, Tahiti, New Zealand, Taiwan, France, Italy and Sweden to name a few. She enjoys traveling with her family in their trailer to find fun camping spots! Desiree also enjoys reading, hiking, riding bikes and cooking freezer meals!

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