Holly Havenhill

Lead Facilitator

Email: holly.havenhill@ileadexploration.org
Program: Classic Home Study
Function: Educational Facilitator

Favorite Quote

"Judge each day not by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant." -Robert Louis Stevenson

About Holly

From childhood, the one thing Holly wanted to be most when she grew up was a mom. She wanted to be able to pour into her children – to teach, to nurture, to empower, to inspire, to cherish. She wanted to use her gifts to bless others, starting with her own family and moving outward. This love for children and for affecting change in our future naturally led her into the education world.

Holly received a bachelor’s degree in religion from Pepperdine University and a multiple subject teaching credential from California State University, Fullerton. She taught in Poland for a time and then was an elementary teacher in Anaheim and Ontario prior to becoming an educational facilitator.

Holly is happily married to the love of her life, a fellow educator, and together they are raising and homeschooling their five young children. Holly is excited about the opportunities homeschooling offers both her family and others. She finds joy in helping and supporting her iLEAD families in their homeschooling journeys. Holly can be found most often snuggled up on the couch with a few kids in her lap, a pile of books and lots of giggles.

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