
Learner Spotlight – Jesse Matthews


Jesse Matthews, a seventh grader at iLEAD Exploration, began working in programming and robotics at 10 years old. When asked why he enjoys robotics, he responded, “I love robotics because the challenge of making it work right is exhilarating when it finally works! You are watching something you just created come to life and do what you dreamed it could do.”

His mother is a programmer and has helped him with projects and programming. Jesse now assists in some of the classes his mother teaches (the kids call her “Mrs. Math”) at Terra Arts in Huntington Beach. The classes there include Arduino Robotics, Scratch Programming, Circuit Craft, Math Lab and Code Lab.

Jesse and his mother spend time brainstorming for new classes and workshops. He enjoys creating electronic projects and recently created a LED light ghost. Of the project, Jesse says, “It’s fun to see what you can create with simple LEDs, wires, batteries and things you find around the house.”

He is especially happy that the circuit craft class taught him how to create his own Dr. Who sonic screwdriver! Jesse is looking forward to having more pre-teens and teens join him in creating a club for robotics within his homeschooling community.




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