
Upcoming High School Events

Virtual High School Meet and Greet

We hope you are all settling into the new school year. If you have a high school learner, please take a look at the exciting opportunities below, as deadlines are quickly approaching.

The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation’s premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. NHS serves to recognize students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. iLEAD Exploration is excited to invite all iLEAD Exploration learners who are currently in 10th-12th grade and who have been enrolled with iLEAD a minimum of one full semester and have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA to apply. The application period is open from now until September 30 at midnight. If you have a learner who applied last fall and received an acceptance letter, they do not need to apply again. Meetings will begin in October. Please share with your 10th, 11th, and 12th grade learners who qualify. Please click HERE to apply.

ASB (Associated Student Body) is a leadership team comprised of learners who will represent the entire student body of high schoolers. The main objective of ASB is to help learners feel more connected to school and each other through involvement in ASB-organized activities. This year, we plan to launch virtual clubs as well as several fun virtual events! Click HERE to apply!


Love to Learn

Optional Subscriptions

We are reopening some of our optional subscriptions for the new year. See the flier below for details, and get your order in by January 19.

Game Time

High School Game Day

Calling all high school learners! Join us at the iLEAD OC Learning Studio for an afternoon of games, friends, and fun. Bring your favorite board game or come learn a…

Enrichment Opportunities

Enrichment Opportunities

Language Arts-focused learning opportunities for learners in grades 1-5 will be offered monthly at our Acton Library. See the events calendars on our hub for details, and be sure to…

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