Q & A


Can a parent/guardian volunteer at the studio?

Yes. Parents/guardians can volunteer at the studio. If interested, please review the OC studio volunteer policies in the guidebook prior to contacting the child’s studio facilitator.

How is safety ensured at the studio?

Safety at the learning studio is a high priority. There are multiple processes in place to ensure learner safety:

  1. There is a sign in/sign out process to ensure all learners go home with the proper adult.
  2. All classrooms are only accessible through two main entrances/exits that are locked each morning and then are opened again for pick-up.
  3. All EFs at the studio will use their phones to communicate with families if any needs arise.
  4. All rooms are close in proximity so that an EF can easily locate another EF if needed.
  5. The studio participates in all state required emergency drills such as earthquake and fire drills.
  6. Restrooms for our younger learners are located within the classrooms.

What is your cell phone policy?

During class, cell phones should be stored in backpacks on silent mode. Learners who need to contact their parent/guardian can make a request with their facilitator. Improper use of a cell phone during the day will result in the phone being collected until the end of the day.

What happens if my learner misses a day at the studio?

We will work with your learner to ensure they are able to participate upon return. Missed days will not result in any extra day credits or cost adjustments for the semester.

Can we join mid-semester?

Yes. The cost will be prorated.

What else should my learner bring to the studio each day?

The studio will provide any and all materials needed for each day’s activities. If your learner prefers certain materials, please have him/her bring them.

It is acceptable for younger learners to bring toys to play with during lunch break. The studio is not responsible for items brought from home. If an item becomes a distraction, it will be collected and then sent home at the end of the day.

Should I pack a snack/lunch?

Learners should bring food from home each day. Lunch time is scheduled each day. Due to allergies, learners are not allowed to share food. The studio is nut-free.

Will there be homework?

Yes. Learners in grades 3-8 will be assigned work to complement studio learning.

Can I tour the studio?

Yes. Please contact Kendra Bailey at kendra.bailey@ileadexploration.org to arrange a visit.

Can my child only attend one day?

No. The program is designed for two days of learning activities.

What is the learner to teacher ratio?

We strive to keep the ratio 20:1 in TK-2 and 25:1 in grades 3-8.

Is this a drop off program?


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