Current Vendors

Thank you for providing services and materials to our learners.

If you have specific questions as a vendor, contact the vendor department.
Service Vendors:
Material Vendors:


I am unable to log into my vendor billing account and/or lost my password. What should I do?

Please contact the vendor department and we will reset the password for you.

I submitted my invoice but have not been paid yet. What should I do?

All invoices from vendors are paid on a “net 30” term as referenced in our vendor agreement. This means that once we receive your correct invoice, we will send payment within 30 days.

If you are a material vendor and you have not received payment within 30 days, please email so that we can assist you.

If you are a service vendor, please regularly check the payment status by logging into your vendor account on the vendor billing site. If you see a purchase order that is listed as PAID, this means that our accounting department has processed your invoice and is preparing payment (net 30). To verify whether a check has been issued, click on the batch # for the purchase order. This will take you to the batch report for the PO. Check the bottom of the batch report in the notes section to verify whether a check number and date are listed (this means a check is on its way to you). This process generally takes the full 30 days (net 30) from the date you submitted your invoice. If it is greater than 30 days and you still have not received your check, please email us so that we can assist you.

My contact information has changed. How should I inform iLEAD?

Please email your new information to the vendor department with the subject “NEW CONTACT INFORMATION” so that we can get this information to the accounting department before any payments are sent.

What if some of the items on the purchase order are not available?

We do not accept any back orders or substituted items. Please simply cancel the unavailable item and indicate this information on the packing slip and/or invoice.

I am on the vendor billing site and I do not see a purchase order for my learner(s).

Vendors MUST NOT provide services or materials to any iLEAD learner without receipt of a current purchase order. We will only pay for classes or materials after a purchase order has been approved and processed. If you have not received an expected purchase order, please contact the parent and make sure they sent a request to their educational facilitator. Purchase orders must be placed before a service, class or lesson begins.

As a materials vendor, how do I get paid?

Once all materials have been delivered and an accurate invoice has been received, payment will be sent within 30 days.

As a service vendor, how do I get paid?

Once you are an approved vendor with iLEAD, the vendor department will send your billing login information via email. Families are responsible for registering their child for classes or services. Please communicate with families about whether you prefer payments to be broken down into monthly amounts (recommended) or a lump sum payment (paid one time at the end of each semester). If you request monthly payments, you will log into the billing system and sign the online purchase order at the end of each month when lessons for the month are completed. If you request full semester payment (lump sum), you will log into your vendor billing account and sign the purchase order at the end of the semester when all lessons are finished. The order then becomes an electronic invoice and is sent to our accounting department for payment. Upon submitting an accurate invoice, you will receive payment within 30 days.

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